Chateau de Saint Martin is a beautiful estate of l00 ha. The domain's history is rich and strong. Romans took over the estate at the second century BC. They were in this way the first people to produce wines in Château de Saint Martin.
Then, with the monks of Lerins, the domain became a wine priory. They built a wonderful underground cellar, still in use today.
ln 1740, a French noble aristocrat family took the estate. Ever since, Château de Saint-Martin belongs to the same family. The domain is transferred from generation to generation, and mostly from mother to daughter.
The only man who has ever managed Château de Saint-Martin is the Count de Rohan Chabot, who has worked a lot for the creation of the label « Cru Classé », in 1955. On the 30th of July, the Ministry of Agriculture confered by law the title of Crus Classés to 23 Domains and Châteaux of the appellation. This label that was awarded by the National Institute of origin and quality, results from a rigorous expert assessment of terroir, climatology and geology. It was actually given as a recognition for their know-how and noble vine-stock selection as well as for their quality and particular identity...
Nowadays, Mme de Barry, current owner of Château de Saint-Martin, narrates this rich history through her wines. It is indeed to pay tribute to her familly and especially to her grandfather, that she has created Maison Edme de Rohan Chabot that currently gathers together Chateau Saint-Martin, La Belle Collection and Liquoristerie de Provence.