Bordered by “Via Domitia”, crossed by the path of “salt” and that of the “fishmonger”, the domain “La Grangette” has a heavy historic past.
In the Middle Ages, the grounds formed part of the seigneury of the Baron de Guers. They were cultivated of cereals and of alfalfa, to nourish the significant cavalry of the castle (from where its name Grangette, small barn). The vine was cultivated there on some pieces; very old tanks, attest work of the wine well before the Revolution.
The wine cellar is located in restored stables of the Domain built during the XVII th. century.
Located between Méditerannée and Cevennes bordered by south with the the bassin de THAU and by north with the historic city of PEZENAS , DOMAINE LA GRANGETTE is in the center of PICPOUL DE PINET A.O.P. zone. Nowadays, the domain extends over sixty hectares among which 27 crashed. With the guarrigue stretching along 6 km from the Domain to MONTAGNAC, this place offers a lot of leisure possibilities, to take a walk or ride a bicycle, following lanes crossing between vineyards, garrigues et pinewoods seing both the see and the moutains.
Family affair since 2001, We are the only domain to produce a piquepoul in three colors, our range contains 11 wines. Our philosophy is to practice a responsible viticulture. Our low yields help us to obtain an exceptional aromatic concentration.